Most Aussies want to be environmentally friendly, actively seeking ways to lower their energy use and carbon footprint. Reducing the use of plastics, installing solar panels and using energy efficient appliances are all ways that we can help the planet. However, there’s also another way that we can support our environment and that’s to reduce our water usage.
Water restrictions are a regular occurrence in Australia, so we all know what it means to use water sparingly. After all, our access to fresh water isn’t unlimited and if you use more than your allocated amount, buying fresh water can significantly increase your household bills.
So here are four ways you can reduce your use of water at home, helping to save the environment and keeping your water bills down.
1. Remove your swimming pool
Maybe it’s because the kids have all left home or because it’s too much hassle to maintain, but many Aussies have pools they hardly ever use. You might decide to keep your pool, even if it is only used on blistering hot days, but there’s always the option to remove your swimming pool. After all, maintaining a pool that you don’t want is both expensive and time consuming. And that isn’t even taking into account compliance with Victorian pool fence regulations. It takes time because you have to clean the pool and the filtration system, as well as add all the chemicals. It’s expensive because you need to keep paying for water to top up your pool (you can lose up to 7mm of water every day via evaporation), as well as the cost of the chemicals, repairs and the electricity. If you have lost interest in your pool, it might be time to replace it with a lush lawn or garden bed.
2. Select the best plants for your garden
It’s always best to plant species of trees, bushes and flowering plants that are either natives or will flourish in your area, particularly if they are drought tolerant. Remember that just because a plant is an Australian native, doesn’t mean that it’s suitable for your particular area. So always ask advice from the experts at your local nursery, as they can help you to select the best drought tolerant plants for your garden.
3. Installing efficient watering systems
Watering technology has come a long way over the past few years and now you can install drip irrigation systems that save a massive amount of water when compared to garden sprinklers or even hand hosing. Combining this technology with a programmable timer ensures that the water gets to the plants roots when it’s needed and isn’t wasted into the surrounding soil. So if you have plants that aren’t drought tolerant, a drip feed watering system is a great way to conserve water.
4. Consider installing a rainwater tank
Collecting your own rainwater and using this for your gardens is an easy way to save water at home. With a variety of different sizes (you can even install an underground tank) you won’t have a problem finding one that suits the size of your yard. Even a small 100L rainwater tank can provide enough water for your potted plants. Installing a rainwater tank is a very environmentally friendly way to water your garden and save money at the same time.
If you want help removing your swimming pool in Melbourne, call Reverse Pools on 0433 377 969 or send us an email enquiry for a free quote.